Just the daily (or...sometimes daily) rantings of ME!
MarcieMoo's Articles In Life Journals
November 1, 2010 by MarcieMoo
Hi Friends. It's been almost two years since I've posted anything on here.  I don't really care too much, and you probably don't either, and that's okay. Nothing ever really happens in my world.  I go to work, and I come home.  And that's about it.  We don't go anywhere.  In the past two years, here is what has happened: 1.  I lost my beloved grandmother in April. 2.  Ryan started a new job last week that allows him to be home in the evenings. ...
November 24, 2008 by MarcieMoo
Twenty months ago I began this little journey with little thought, which was very stupid. BUT...today it came to an end...kind of. After Ryan's dentist appointment today, he came to school to pick up a very important package from me and take it to the post office to go to Long Island, New York.  Inside that little bubble mailer was a CD that I spent the last two weeks working on.  It was a culmination of the last year and a half of sacrificing my time, my marriage, my housework, ...
October 3, 2008 by MarcieMoo
I come home absolutely whipped every night.  I feel like I've given everything I can emotionally during the day, not to mention running around like a total nutjob all day. Even though I feel like I give and give, on days like today when my students aren't in my classroom with me, I miss them.  And really, I feel like they give me FAR more than I give to them.  I know they do.  They're amazing. It seems though, that sometimes there is a student who just can wiggle his or...
September 30, 2008 by MarcieMoo
I just got back from a conference with some colleagues. It was four hours to the confrernce and four hours back.  Two meals out, etc.  This trip made me realize what a misfit I am. I was in the car with five other women.  I knew most of these women, and we all get along well.  We'd talk about a variety of topics ranging from movies to husbands to kids, etc.  I felt like I had pertinent things to add to the conversation, but I felt like I was talked over and that no...
September 15, 2008 by MarcieMoo
I've been thinking alot about having babies lately. I used to think that I wanted kids...a whole passel of them.  I wanted as many as we could possibly have. Now I'm not so sure.  I'm not so sure I want ANY.  I love kids.  I love them.  But I've seen how much damage, I , as a parent, can do to them.  Granted, no parent is perfect, but...I don't know if I could take that chance with another human being. I guess I kind of take that chance teaching, but that's on...
September 14, 2008 by MarcieMoo
Hi! I'm up a little bit before Ry, so I thought I'd tell you a little bit about what's going on with our little family. I'm almost done with my Master's Degree.  YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!  I have about six more weeks left, and then I need to submit my portfolio and I'll be done.  I can't wait until my time is MY TIME again, and I can come home and not have to worry about homework other than the stuff I choose to bring home from school.  It'll be nice, and then in January I'll ge...
August 21, 2008 by MarcieMoo
I was talking to Ry today about a certain topic. As many of you know, I've struggled with mental health issues throughout my life.  It really started in high school--10th grade maybe?  That's when I remember it the most vividly.  I haven't ever been diagnosed with anything but gernal "depression."  I don't know if it's more than that or less than that, but it's something.  I've felt at times that I may have bipolar disorder.  I don't know what else.  I st...
August 18, 2008 by MarcieMoo
Hi.  How are you, JU?  I hope you're well as your summers are winding down.  It seems like it's went SO fast.  It has, I guess.  A few days after school got out in June, I went to Minnesota for a couple of weeks, and then I taught summer school for five weeks, and I've been spending the past couple of weeks finishing paperwork for summer school and trying to get my classroom ready for students.  Last Monday I had an inservice because I'm piloting a new scienc...
July 28, 2008 by MarcieMoo
So I'm sick of being fat.  I've really been trying to get the eating under control, and I've been trying to be much more active.  I'm putting the foot down today.  I had oatmeal and a cheese stick for breakfast, and a grilled chicken and swiss, 3 mozzarella sticks and a med. curly fries from Arby's (I know...that was a horrible lunch.  Tomorrow is another day, however), a cheese stick for a snack, and a spoonful of egg noodles and some roast beef for supper. After su...
July 28, 2008 by MarcieMoo
This is a total retry of the stupid slideshow I tried earlier.  It probably won't work, but maybe SanCho can fix mine, too.  Although mine's not nearly as racy as LW's...lol. <div><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src=" http://w299.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w299.photobucket.com/albums/mm284/marciegargano/414a007f.pbw " height="360" width="480"><a href=" http://i299.photobucket.com/redirect/album?action=slideshow&lan...
July 15, 2008 by MarcieMoo
So I cart my little camera all over, and I think it takes darn good photos.  So...I've got some.  I don't know that you haven't seen some of them, but I think most of them you haven't, and I think they're just on Facebook.  I get confused.  Anyway, enjoy the show! [URL=http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm284/marciegargano/?action=view&current=9c28294c.pbw] [/URL] <div><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src=" http://w299.photobu...
July 15, 2008 by MarcieMoo
Yesterday was my 28th birthday.  I have to admit that I find that quite frightening, as 30 is only two more years away.  I know I'm still a "spring chicken," but I don't know that I feel like it a whole lot. The past year has been wrought with change.  I spent most of last summer in Minnesota with my mom, sending out resumes and waiting on another job offer.  I received one in late July of last year, and we moved to our new town in August of last year.  I absolutely l...
July 1, 2008 by MarcieMoo
This is going to be whiney.  So if you can't handle that, you can just move along your merry way. I'm fat.  Like...morbidly obese fat.  And I'm just sick of it, really.  I don't *FEEL* bad, in fact, I think for my weight and height, I'm pretty healthy.  I think lots of that has to do with age, though--I only turn 28 coming up in two weeks here.  This weight that I'm carrying will have long-term ramifications if I don't get it down.  My Type 2 diabetes will o...
June 30, 2008 by MarcieMoo
Hi JU!  We've been busy so far this summer.  I've went with Ry in the truck quite a few times and will be going again tomorrow and probably lots this week, since next week it's back to work for me because I'm teaching summer school in July and the first part of August.  The guys he works with are completely hilarious, and it's fun to give them crap. Right after school got out, I hopped on an airplane and went to Minnesota to visit my family.  It went fast, and I reall...
June 6, 2008 by MarcieMoo
I went to the hospital yesterday before work and got my blood drawn for my three-month check up.  I had all my cholesterol done again, a metabolic panel (I think), and my HA1C--my long term blood sugar. My metabolic panel all came back okay--liver, kidney function, etc.  My cholesterol and my triglycerides are ALL where they should be now.  My triglycerides were so high we couldn't get a LDL on me, but my meds have brought ALL of them down so we can get a reading on them--NORMA...