Just the daily (or...sometimes daily) rantings of ME!
Published on October 22, 2007 By MarcieMoo In Life Journals
I know those of who have or who have had family members in the military overseas are going to want to kick my rear end for this, but I miss my husband.

He's been gone for almost a month doing this training thing. We still don't know when he'll be home for even a few hours. I miss being able to argue with him in person, and talk to him the minute I walk in the door. I miss watching movies with him, and going to the store with him. I miss him showing up at school just to talk during lunch. I miss the smell of him when we're cuddled up in our freezing bedroom trying to fall asleep. I miss his arm around me when I wake up in the morning.

It sucks. I know I was away from him for almost two months this summer, but I had other people around me--my mom, sister, etc. I'm utterly alone right now. The only people I see are other teachers and my students. When I leave school, I've got hours alone before I sleep. I just want some noise. Even the cats are annoying the heck out of me. Cleo misses Ry...she's totally all over me ALL the time. Hercules is a nut, but at least he's not so clingy. He was playing with a softball as large as he is earlier. He hauled it down the stairs in his mouth...

I'm babbling...

I miss my Ry. I don't know how you families with spouses away do it. I know that you "have" to...but it sucks. If I'm this lonely after a month...I can't imagine how you are after a year...ugh.

on Oct 22, 2007
Instead of lamenting this "alone" time, put it to use. Hash out a plan of constructive things to do, and implement it. It will keep you busy, time will pass faster, and when he returns, you will have made progress in some area. Consider it a gift to him.

Spinning in place is just a waste of life/time. Make use of your time.

2 cents from the halls of Ock's mind.
on Oct 22, 2007
Ockahm has a point....stay busy doing something that you wouldn't get done if he was there...

And dont' feel bad....distance is distance. Time is time. And it can really suck.
on Oct 22, 2007

I'm sorry he's gone, Marcie.  LH is right - time is time, and distance is distance and it's all the same when they're gone.

I discovered early on in D's career that I had two choices during deployments: I could either sit around crying all the time and revel in my own misery, or I could do something constructive to distract myself and make him happy when he got home.  The first deployment was spent in tears every day and I was miserable.  The second one made better use of my time and was much happier.

It's your turn to choose.

on Oct 22, 2007
Do activities he doesn't like. When my wife goes away with the kids, I hit a boardgame club (that's more because of the lack of kids though). I get to go sometimes when they're home, but only after the kids are asleep, and my wife whines about how I "abandoned" her. Even though I don't go unless she says okay. Bah.
on Oct 22, 2007

I like to take on a special project.  Something that will make him smile when he gets home.  We have a game when he returns from being gone.  He walks room to room, and then the entire yard trying to figure out what is different, what I did while he was away.

Sometimes its obvious, a painted room, a new tiled bathroom, new cabinets...sometimes its more subtle...power washing the drive, planting a rose bush, stuff like that.

I love to make him smile and I really love the "You did this all by yourself?"  look he gets........