I know those of who have or who have had family members in the military overseas are going to want to kick my rear end for this, but I miss my husband.
He's been gone for almost a month doing this training thing. We still don't know when he'll be home for even a few hours. I miss being able to argue with him in person, and talk to him the minute I walk in the door. I miss watching movies with him, and going to the store with him. I miss him showing up at school just to talk during lunch. I miss the smell of him when we're cuddled up in our freezing bedroom trying to fall asleep. I miss his arm around me when I wake up in the morning.
It sucks. I know I was away from him for almost two months this summer, but I had other people around me--my mom, sister, etc. I'm utterly alone right now. The only people I see are other teachers and my students. When I leave school, I've got hours alone before I sleep. I just want some noise. Even the cats are annoying the heck out of me. Cleo misses Ry...she's totally all over me ALL the time. Hercules is a nut, but at least he's not so clingy. He was playing with a softball as large as he is earlier. He hauled it down the stairs in his mouth...
I'm babbling...
I miss my Ry. I don't know how you families with spouses away do it. I know that you "have" to...but it sucks. If I'm this lonely after a month...I can't imagine how you are after a year...ugh.