Just the daily (or...sometimes daily) rantings of ME!
Published on October 15, 2007 By MarcieMoo In Life Journals
I had my "work physical" today. The new doctor is awesome, and she listenened to my concerns well, and she's pretty easy to get into.

So...luckily my cerebellum is okay. I talked to her about concerns about my meds. She added Wellbutrin, so we'll see how that goes. I spent several hours on the phone trying to track down a doctor I had in Las Vegas because she wanted to put me on metformin extended release, and I didn't remember what I had been on. I had been the regular metformin, and it made me so sick I spent half the day in the restroom, and that's a little hard to do when you've got 20 students in your care. Anyway, we're going to try something else, and hopefully it won't make me sick. We don't have school tomorrow so we'll see how it goes.

I've been having lots of pelvic pain lately, too. Soooo...on Thursday I have to leave work early and come over here to the hospital to have an ultrasound. I haven't had one for about five years, so it will be interesting to see how gnarled things have become in that amount of time.

I also have to do a fasting blood draw tomorrow morning at the hospital so she can tell exactly how fubarred my blood work is. We're doing a lipid profile, metabolic profile, CBC, Glyco Hgb, and a thyroid function. Should be interesting.

She also wants me to keep a food diary for the next two weeks. We talked about past efforts to lose weight and how they've been unfruitful, even if I'm on a low calorie diet and exercise like a banshee. She just wants me to write down everything that passes my lips. She says she has someone else with PCOS who just moved some foods around and she's lost almost 70 pounds in three months. I could handle that. We'll see how it goes.

ANYWAY, we finally got done after about an hour of her and the nurse in and out. The paper for the physical didn't get all the way filled out because, I'm sorry, but my employer does NOT need to know the status of my rectal health. I go back in two weeks to see how things are.

Hoping for the best.

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