I found this article on the Minneapolis Star-Tribune's website. It makes me positively sick to my stomach. http://www.startribune.com/local/37594384.html Apparently some jackass snowmobiler found a hole in the Fond du Lac River, jumped over it, and hit the ducks that were in and around the open water. I realize they're "just" ducks, but this is outright cruel. There is also mention in this article about snowmobilers who trapped and ran over several deer. I'm not agai...
This is an article from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune today. This is the URL: http://www.startribune.com/local/south/30705124.html?page=1&c=y St. Paul teacher under investigation for sex assault A St. Paul teacher is being investigated for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old special education student By EMILY JOHNS , Star Tribune Last update: October 9, 2008 - 4:53 PM A longtime special education teacher in the St. Paul school district is being investigated by police a...
I've always loved the Fargo-Moorhead area. It's beautiful, and even in a larger city (for the upper Midwest, anyway), there is such a sense of community. When someone is in trouble, there is abundant material and financial support. Conjoined twins, naturally-occurring quadruplets? No problem. Cancer diagnosis? Covered. This article really comes as no surprise because of my experiences there. But it's amazing nonetheless. The following is an article from the Fargo Forum, and you can...