Just the daily (or...sometimes daily) rantings of ME!
Published on July 28, 2008 By MarcieMoo In Life Journals

This is a total retry of the stupid slideshow I tried earlier.  It probably won't work, but maybe SanCho can fix mine, too.  Although mine's not nearly as racy as LW's...lol.

<div style="width:480px; text-align: center;"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://w299.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w299.photobucket.com/albums/mm284/marciegargano/414a007f.pbw" height="360" width="480"><a href="http://i299.photobucket.com/redirect/album?action=slideshow&landing=/slideshows&type=3" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn.gif" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a><a href="http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm284/marciegargano/?action=view&current=414a007f.pbw" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn_viewallimages.gif" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a></div>

on Jul 28, 2008

Hey Marcie,

copy and paste the html button at photobucket and put that into the body. It should work then.

on Jul 28, 2008


on Jul 28, 2008


I did that...I've tried every code they give me and none of them work.  I don't know what the trick is.  I'm obviously not a computer whiz by any means.  I'm lucky I can type.

Do you have any other ideas to make it work?

on Jul 28, 2008

I tried to do your html in the comment box. You click on the html button and it works. Well, it did for a minute then JU spit it out and didn't take it. That's why my second comment is empty.

I think there was some funny stuff going on here for an hour or so. I can retry the html in the comment box.

Usually the html at photobucket in the body of the blog works.


I just tried again. I clicked on the html in the comment box and pasted the code. It took until I tried to upload the comments and I got the egads page. I think something is going on with the site right now.  By the way..beautiful pictures.

on Jul 29, 2008

Marcie, this is what I did. When you go to photobucket click on the slide show you want to post. To the left are four boxes, one says html code for web sites and blogs. Copy that. I use live writer so I don't know if that is the key.  Anyway, paste the html in the body and publish. You may have to do a whole new post for it to work instead of editing the one you published already. I hope that helps. Tova saved me on this one a long time ago.

on Jul 29, 2008

ps. on this blog it looks like you copied all of the code (all the 4 boxes), I may be wrong though. You only need the one that says html.