Seriously, in the hour I was out and about town after school today, I encounter an abnormally high number of idiots.
So, the first set of idiots I encountered were at Wal-Mart. I try to stay away as much as I can, but once a month, when it's time to pick up the prescriptions, I have no choice. Today was that day.
Walking into Wal-Mart, I run into a buch of idjits that have absolutely NO idea that they are blocking the entire entrance to the store. There's two people with carts standing by the "express return" desk that's planted right in the middle of the entrance, anyway. Then there were about three people with carts sitting on the bench right inside the entrance as well.
Once I'd navigated that disaster, I headed back to the pharmacy. I took my place in the line, that was three deep. This particular Wal-Mart has two check outs, but the one had a "register closed" sign, even though someone was standing behind it. Having worked retail, I knew she was probably going on break, going home, or had other things to do back there, so I took my spot in the other line. I am also one that likes to give people privacy in healthcare situations. So I stood about three feet away from the person in front of me. During this time, some young woman walked in front of me, and went over to the other register and got helped right away. I must be a complete retard.
THEN, some lady got up from the bench and plopped herself right in front of me in line. Does she have absolutely no peripheral vision? The person in front of the first budger left, and it was her turn (read, MY turn). In the midst of budger number one doing her business, a man with an unusual amount of fiber products budged in front of me, as well. Like I standing there to lose weight. Seriously. do these people's eyes not work?
So, after I spend my $140 at the pharmacy (I'm 27 years old for God's sake...I'm such a moron), I go to the scooter store to see what they have. Just for fun, you know?
So I walk in, and mosey over to the motorcycle section. There are several salespeople wandering about, but because I'm fat, female, and wearing sweatpants (it was field day today), and I'm not carrying a wallet, they must figure I'm not worth helping. They didn't have much I was interested in, anyways, I guess we're going to have to look in Salt Lake.
I grab a brochure, and try to head out the door, but the door doesn't work. So the salesman nearest the door hollers at me that I need to use the other one (there's no sign). So, being PMSy, poopy (I've been sick for a week and finally feeling better today), and just plain pissy, I holler back "Yeah. Thanks for all your help, buddy!"
I'm sunburned, cranky, and freaking exhausted. And people are rude, inconsiderate idiots. I hope my husband will promise to kill me before I become that much of a moron. Ugh.